
Welcome to the Silver Creek Homeowners Association in Puyallup Washington

(Please Note: You are currently logged on to the only Officially Recognized Website of Silver Creek HOA in Puyallup, WA. Any information regarding Silver Creek gained from any other electronic source should be verified before being considered factual)





November 13th 2023


If you are interested in running for, or nominating someone to run for, the Silver Creek Board of Directors; it is time to submit names. The last round of nominations must be received no later than Friday December 1st, 2023. This is the final nomination opportunity before the final ballots are mailed out.

Please note that nominees must be in good standing with the Association in order to be elected (see paragraph 6.1 of the Bylaws “…directors are to be a member in good standing in the association – owe no monies and have no outstanding violations against them”. All nominees will be reviewed to confirm they are in good standing before being added to the ballot.

Along with names, it has been the practice of Silver Creek to require all nominees to submit a short ‘bio’ (‘biography’) so that the members of the association can read about the candidates and make informed decisions as to who they wish to elect to run the community for the next several years.

Nominations along with a short bio (please try to keep it to no more than 6 paragraphs) need to be sent to membercare@silvercreekwa.com . Again, make sure that we receive them by December 1st 2023

Thank you,

Silver Creek Board of Directors




Puyallup, August 1st 2023,

Dear Silver Creek Homeowners,

Please mail payments to

c/o The Management Trust
P.O.BOX 97975
LAS VEGAS, NV 89193-7975
Write address on memo so they know what you are paying. Also, send the bill you received by previous management company, if you have it.


SC Board of Directors



Puyallup, July 7 2023

Dear Silver Creek Residents,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing in response to the recent allegations made by REIS concerning their decision not to complete their contractual duties and their false accusation that our board asked/intended to cancel residents’ AppFolio accounts. We feel it is crucial to address these claims and provide accurate information to avoid any confusion or misinformation among stakeholders.

Firstly, we are disappointed to learn that REIS has chosen not to fulfill their contractual obligations. As per the terms and conditions agreed upon in our contract, it was clearly stipulated that REIS would perform specific duties outlined in the agreement. Failing to meet these obligations is a breach of the contractual agreement, and we expect REIS to rectify this situation promptly.

Regarding the accusation that our board intended to cancel residents’ AppFolio accounts, I would like to clarify that these allegations are entirely false. The board had no intentions or planned to cancel residents’ AppFolio accounts, and we value the services provided by AppFolio as our trusted property management platform. AppFolio has been instrumental in streamlining operations, enhancing communication, and improving overall efficiency within our community.

We understand all your concerns and the potential impact these false allegations may have on both our residents and the reputation of our organization. We assure you that we are committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. We have taken immediate steps to address this matter internally and are exploring all available legal options to resolve the breach of contract issue with REIS.

Additionally, we kindly request that you refrain from further disseminating the inaccurate information regarding the cancellation of residents’ AppFolio accounts. Such misinformation can lead to unnecessary panic and confusion within our community. We would appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that accurate and verified information is shared with everyone.

Our primary focus remains on providing exceptional services to our residents and maintaining strong relationships with our partners. We will continue to work diligently to minimize any disruption caused by this situation and explore suitable alternatives to fulfill the duties previously assigned to REIS.

What REIS emailed to everyone were not board directives. The board wanted control of our operating accounts as we transfer over to the new Management company. The board will be collecting payments sent to REIS from REIS, so make sure to keep your receipts in the event your account isn’t updated. If you haven’t paid already, please wait until your account is set up with Management Trust. Late fees will not be assessed until after the extended due date of September 30, 2023 per Silver Creek HOA website.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging time. Should you have any further questions or require additional clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the board directly by email. We value all our residents and look forward to resolving this matter amicably.


Jay McCoy

Vice President

Silver Creek HOA





Puyallup, June 24th 2023
Dear  Silver Creek  homeowners,
Due to management transition, The HOA board decided to push back the due date to September,31st 2023. So, Until that date, we will not charge interest on late fee on the 2nd half. You should just save your invoice mailed from REIS and submit to Management trust after July 31st 2023.
It is a transition, so please be patient. Management trust will not send a new invoice for the 2nd half and the board will be able to work with homeowners on any questions to these assessments.
Thank you for your patience,
Silver Creek Board of Directors
Dear Silver Creek homeowners;
As you know, the Silver Creek HOA board terminated the contract with REIS invest.
Reis is the management company and we expect them to perform their agreed contract until July 31st 2023. August 1st, Management Trust assumes the task of management. It is ok to pay Silver Creek assessments to REIS until end of July. As precaution, keep receipts of any payment made as anyone would. If auto bank pay, after you pay July, stop bank payment until August, when new company takes over. Start using the membercare@silvercreekwa.com if you have any questions or need any help during the transition.
Thank you for your patience.
Silver Creek Board of Directors


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