

See a streetlight that is not on? or it’s blinking?

To report a problem with a streetlight.

1) If you live in

Premier, Highlands, Ashford, Grayhawk, Southridge or Hillsboro,

click on the following link:

Enter the requested information and the address nearest the light and the Grid Number and/or Tag Number from the light pole.  (Numbers usually located on the light pole about six feet above the ground). Click submit to send the report.

or 2) If you live in

Country Hollow or Brookfield

contact and or

and go to the “contact us” line on ‘The Repair Works’ website. Once there, click on “CONTACT US”, fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. In the “message” box please type in the number of the streetlight… this will be a three digit number (001 – 141) which you will find by going to the light and looking at the pole. The number is on the “road” side of the pole about six feet above the ground. (If the number is missing for some reason, please give a location i.e. the nearest house address, cross street etc.) Once the contact form is filled out click “submit” to send the report.

You may also call the phone number listed in the contact form. Once you have made a report, please email and let us know that you have done so.